

my name is Thierry Kokolanski and I am a science teacher. 30 years old, I discovered my passion for travelling a few years ago with my girlfriend. I already enjoyed the trips and holidays as a kid, but it's only during the past few years that I see more in a travel than going on holidays. It is also about getting to know different landscapes, wildlife, cultures and people. Travelling can be so much more than only holidays, and if done right, you will return with plenty of unforgettable memories and experiences.

Additionally to my love for travel I also discovered another passion: photography. I really like experimenting with different techniques to get the shot like I want it, especially during my travels. Photography gives me the possibility to catch the special experiences I make along my trips and to share them with other people. Accessorily I can look at pictures of my travels and it will carry me back to the place or moment that picture was taken, in some way I can relive brief parts of these experiences.

Always looking for new adventures